
Role of Physiotherapy in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus:-Dr.Mahender Jhorar

Dr Mahender Jhorar is a recognized senior Physiotherapist He holds more than 16  years of experience in the field of Physiotherapy 

While a few think that diabetes cannot let you live happily or cannot be cured, Dr.Mahender Jhorar  believes that his goal as a doctor is to help patients remain hopeful and bright. He helps them live a healthy lifestyle so that they can maintain the quality of their life

The World Health Organization (WHO) projects that T2DM will be the 7th leading cause of death in 2030.

Diabetes risk rises after COVID

The latest analysis found that people who had had COVID-19 were about 40% more likely to develop diabetes up to a year later than were veterans in the control groups. That meant that for every 1,000 people studied in each group, roughly 13 more individuals in the COVID-19 group were diagnosed with diabetes. Almost all cases detected were type 2 diabetes, in which the body becomes resistant to or doesn’t produce enough insulin.

Can a Physiotherapist Treat Diabetes?

Regular physiotherapy can have a positive impact on people with type 2 diabetes, especially in senior citizens who have type 2 diabetes, as well as in those people who have other comorbidities as well. There are 2 domains in which physiotherapy helps in diabetes: Preventing the progressive worsening of symptoms and managing the already present symptoms

When it comes to treating or managing diabetes, a physiotherapist can help in one of the most important elements of your daily routine that is the key to managing diabetes better – regular exercise

Why is Physiotherapy Important in Diabetes?

It helps to improve the lipid profile as well as endothelial function. The endothelium is the thin membrane that forms the lining of the inner part of the heart as well as the blood vessels. It releases certain substances that help to control the various immune functions as well as the functions of the heart.

Improves the body’s response to insulin and improves overall insulin sensitivity

Evidences strongly support that physiotherapists play a significant role in the prevention, treatment and management of diabetes mellitus and its associated complications.

Physiotherapy management, including exercise  prescription and education, help patients participation improve and maintain physical well-being which has a significant impact on their activity of daily Living . 

Dr.Mahender Jhorar is  recommended that people with DM ought to have a regular aerobic exercise and strength training to reassure positive adaptations in the control of blood glucose concentration, insulin action, muscular strength and exercise tolerance.

Importance of different modes of exercises in patients with type 2 diabetes – increases uptake of glucose by muscles, improves utilization, altering lipid levels, increases high density lipoprotein and decreases triglyceride and total cholesterol.

Exercise helps people to overcome disability by preventing, treating and rehabilitating neuromuscular complications like neuropathies, skin break down, foot ulcers, arthritis, other joint pains, frozen shoulder, back pain and osteoarthritis associated with DM.

Moderate to high levels of different modes of exercises like cardio respiratory fitness exercises, aerobic exercise and progressive resistance exercises are also associated with substantially lower morbidity and mortality in men and women with diabetes.

The combination of dynamic resistance and aerobic exercise training in the same exercise session or on separate days, is an exercise modality recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) for adults  ACSM recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise on most, preferably all, days of the week, supplemented by moderate resistance exercise 8–12 repetitions, 2–3 days per week

Regular physical activity and exercise have been shown to result in improved Quality of life in a 6 month exercise intervention of previously sedentary, overweight or obese, postmenopausal US women showed a higher exercise dose lead to greater improvements in mental and physical health .A growing collection of randomized controlled studies have also looked at the effects of aerobic, resistance and combined exercise training on Quality of life  T2DM patients
Guidelines for a sound exercise program are as follows:

Do not exercise if the blood glucose level is less than 100 mg/dl or greater than 250 mg/dl.

Exercise in a comfortable temperature. Never exercise in extreme temperatures

Type 2 diabetics are advised to have an average of 30 minutes of exercise duration per session.

Always wear proper footwear and exercise in a safe environment

Dr.Mahender Jhorar  makes the general public aware  Roll of exercises in diabetes He is known for his humble and generous nature. He treats patients with utmost care without any flaws



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