Saints Row: How To Fast Travel
Being the leader of a powerful street gang looking to take over an entire city means you’ll be running to and fro, completing errands, jobs and dangerous missions in pursuit of your goal. That’s probably the most boring description of Saints Row’s gameplay you’ll ever read, so it’s reassuring to know that the reality is a lot more thrilling, but what about those who are looking to fast travel across Santo Ileso as soon as possible? Here’s everything you need to know about fast travelling in Saints Row.
Fast travelling is an ability that’s already unlocked from the get-go within Saints Row, barring two introductory missions before you enter the open world proper. In order to do so, you need to open your map app via your in-game phone. Once here, select the destination you’d like to fast travel to, and bon voyage. It’s as simple as that.
However, at the start of the game, you can only fast travel to one location: your apartment. After a couple of missions and certain story events, you’ll move out of your apartment and into The Church, which will become your base of operations for the rest of the game. You can also fast travel to the Saints Tower, a venture that can be placed anywhere across Santo Ileso, but you only unlock the Tower at the very end of the game.
You can’t travel to any owned ventures or stores, unfortunately, and while there are other fast travel points in the game, they need to be found and unlocked before they can be used. Like other collectibles in Saints Row, the fast travel points will appear on your map once you get into the vicinity of them, though there’s one more step you need to follow in order to unlock them. You can tell these fast travel points by the train symbol on the map. They’ll appear yellow when you haven’t unlocked them, before turning purple to signify you can use them.
To unlock the fast travel point, you’ll need to take a picture of a specific object located on or near the fast travel point’s marker on the map. Checking the description of the fast travel point on the map screen will tell you what you’re looking for, and when using the camera, there’ll be an outline of the object in question. Once you’ve taken a satisfactory picture, you’ll be able to use that fast travel point for free, forever.
Saints Row is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X & S.
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