Saints Row: How to Fast Travel


The upcoming Saints Row reboot provides a fresh start to the epic franchise. Whether you love it or hate it, there is no doubt that the game provides new features to explore, from new combat mechanisms to new faces and gangs. As with any open world, players love the opportunity to explore. Despite the moderate map size in Saints Rowthere are enough sights to see that encourage the use of fast travel. It’s not so simple as going to the right location, though. We’ll show you everything you need to land a fast travel point in the game so you can get to where you need to go quicker.

How to Fast Travel in Saints Row

There are a few ways you can get around the map in Saints Row. The most obvious route is a vehicle, and you have a wide variety of options on that end. You can travel by land, air, or even sea. Honestly, there is an even more fun way to get around: the wingsuit.

But not everyone has the patience or time to use these methods. To land across the map in seconds in Saints Rowyou must unlock the fast travel feature. This may come as a surprise, but fast travel involves becoming an amateur photographer.

First: bring up the map. On it, you will notice an icon that looks like a train. Head to that location and when you look at your map again, hover over that train icon to see a picture. That is your point of interest. Find that at the location and bring up your camera. You can use your phone and choose “Camera.”

Now, it’s time to take a picture so you can get that fast travel point in Saints Row. Frame that point of interest, but don’t snap until the border turns green. When this happens, you have the right shot. Now, you are free to travel to that point on the map whenever you want.

All Fast Travel Points in Saints Row

In Saints Rowthere are 7 fast travel points on the map. The first, The Churchis unlocked automatically once you make the Church your base of operations. From there, you must head to the other locations and unlock them yourself. We’ve laid out each location in the images below to help you along the way.

Bear Lake Fast Travel Location: Marina West

Saints Row Fast Travel Map

There’s a bear statue that has a rabbit on its lap. This sits in the middle of the water, so it’s hard to miss.

Cactus Bill Fast Travel Location: Lakeshore South

Head to Jasinski Park and find the massive cactus with a hat and a bandana around its neck that reads “Keep it Strange, Santo.” You need a picture of the entire cactus.

The Church Fast Travel Location: Old Town Shoreline

El Dorado Fast Travel Location: The Golden

Saints Row Fast Travel Map

Take a picture of the large “El Dorado” sign.

Lone Wolf Saints Row Fast Travel Location: Badlands South

Saints Row Fast Travel Map

Find a statue of a wolf with “Lone Wolf Motel” labeled on the body.

Saints Row Fast Travel Map

Panther Rock Fast Travel Location: West Providence

Saints Row Fast Travel Map

Snap an image of the large panther head rock formation.

Twin Coyote Fast Travel Location: Rojas Desert North

Saints Row Fast Travel Map

In front of the Twin Coyote Arcade are two massive metal coyote statues. They’re both shooting at pixel aliens and ready for a nice close-up picture.


Saints Row: What is the Max Level Cap?

Saints Row will be available on August 23, 2022, for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC.


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