Sandals Travel Advisor Golf Tourney Returns After 3-Year Hiatus
After a three-year hiatus, Sandals Resorts once again hosted its annual golf tournament for top U.S.travel agents.
Sandals’ 18th annual USA Travel Advisor Golf Tournament kicked off Saturday night with an outdoor dinner at Sandals Ochi Beach Resort in Ocho Rios, Jamaica.
More than 150 agents and guests attended the al fresco dinner. Speakers included Jamaica Tourism Minister Edmund Bartlett and Gary C. Sadler, executive vice president-global sales and industry relations for Unique Vacations Inc., the marketing representative of Sandals and Beaches Resorts.

On Sunday, travel advisors toured Sandals Ochi Beach, Beaches Ocho Rios and Sandals Royal Plantation Resort before returning to Ochi Beach for a Global Gourmet Dine-Around.
The golfers teed off Monday morning at Sandals Golf & Country Club, playing an 18-hole scramble and getting assistance from caddies who didn’t carry the bags – golf carts were ridden – but offered helpful advice on where to aim and how to improve your stroke, as well as track down errant golf balls.

The tournament will continue Tuesday with another 18-hole scramble, to be followed by an awards dinner at Ochi Beach Club. TravelPulse and AGENTatHOME magazine are the media sponsors of the event.
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