The Best Travel Pillows for 2022


The Best Travel Pillows for 2022 – National Today

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Traveling across the country or abroad? One thing bound to happen on any long trip is sleep. For many of us, although traveling by plane, train, bus, or car can be fun, transport seats generally aren’t built for cozy naps. Enter the travel pillow.

Your travel pillow is one of the most essential pieces of equipment to consider when packing. In addition to helping you get some shut-eye on both short and long-haul trips, it can help keep your neck from getting sore and provide extra support for your spine. So, where do you start looking for the best travel pillow? This guide will explain all you need to know about travel pillows — from how they work, how to choose one, and where to find the best deals.

How We Picked

  • Level of support

    Having good support regarding travel pillows takes off the stress from your neck and back muscles, preventing bad posture.

  • Comfort

    Comfort is different for everyone. The right comfort level offered by a travel pillow makes a world of difference for frequent travelers.

  • Weight

    Weight is an important factor to consider due to storage and convenience constraints. Travel pillows should be an accessory, not a liability.

  • Price

    Although travel pillows aren’t large investments, many quality pillows are going at affordable prices.

Our Top Picks

Best Pick

MLVOC Travel Pillow

MLVOC Travel Pillow

The perfect pick for outstanding comfort during travels

Super quality memory foam travel pillow which can be used at home or the office as well.

The MLVOC travel pillow provides additional neck support, and the sweat-resistant material ensures a dry and cool napping experience.

Runner Up

Trtl Travel Pillow

Trtl Pillow

Scientifically proven to be better than a U-shaped neck pillow

The Trtl neck pillow combines super soft, hypoallergenic fleece with a hidden internal neck support to hold your head and neck in the best position for sleeping.

With its clever design, the Trtl won’t be a luggage hassle, and with easy usage, neck adjustment is a simple task.

Most Cost-Effective

BCOZZY Neck Pillow for Travel

BCOZZY Travel Pillow

Elevating your moments of comfort

Adjustable and comfortable ergonomic pillow that can be used as a normal pillow at home easily as well.

With a fully adjustable neck design, moving the pillow around to your liking is a simple task. So even if your neck swivels and turns during your slumber, the BCOZZY is ideal.

Everything We Recommend

Best Pick

MLVOC Travel Pillow

Most Cost-Effective

BCOZZY Travel Pillow

Who This Is For

Travel pillows are categorically not for everyone. If you are generally stable and have short commutes to work or to see family and friends, this product is not up your alley. However, if your work travels across the country or around the world, and you are always on the move, the travel pillow is a much-needed accessory.

Why You Should Trust Us

If you are a frequent flier or road traveler, you might not have much time to assess the most suitable travel pillows. This is why we’ve done all the groundwork for you. Scrolling endlessly on the internet to find a pillow that seems functional can leave you frustrated and your neck sore. This is preventable because we at National Today have ensured a thorough selection and analysis process to leave you informed on exactly which travel pillows to get.

How We Picked

When picking the best travel pillows on the market, there are a few important factors we considered.

The first factor to consider is comfort. When picking the right travel pillow, we wanted to cover the majority of sleepers, who sleep in many different head tilts and positions. While some are ideal for chin support, others are suited to either tilt of the head.

The next factor taken into account was support. This characteristic is similar to comfort, however, stability focuses on ensuring that your neck and back muscles avoid spasms and keep an aligned posture while resting.

The size of travel pillows is also important. We made sure that our options were easy to carry and store away. Some travel pillows come with carrier bags, which increases convenience.

All our options are priced within proximity to one another. Although this product isn’t the largest investment you’ll make, purchasing a decent quality travel pillow could be the difference between an upstanding individual, or a twitching neck.

Choosing a pillow with the ideal fabric for you could be the difference between sound sleep or a sweaty neck and headache in the middle of a flight. We ensured options with breathable fabric that provides a good feel without harshness.

Our Picks For You

Top Pick – MLVOC Travel Pillow

Top Pick

MLVOC Travel Pillow

MLVOC Travel Pillow

The perfect pick for outstanding comfort during travels

Super quality memory foam travel pillow which can be used at home or the office as well.

Who It Is For (Get this if)

The MLVOC is for frequent and infrequent travelers. This travel pillow is ideal for the office, car, plane, and train. With the comfortable design and breathable fabric technology, you have assured yourself a comfortable short nap without the need to readjust yourself to get the correct resting position.

Why It Is Great

The memory foam provides comfort and ample stability for your head while giving you a secure resting feel. The carrier bag is easy to use because the MLVOC compresses into the bag with little effort, and it”s easy to clean and store at home or on the road.

Potential Flaws

However, the MLVOC travel pillow is restrictive in how it supports your neck and head. It isn’t ideal for people with thinner or shorter necks, and it can be cumbersome.

Production Specifications

The MLVOC comes with a pair of eye masks, earplugs, and a high-quality carrier bag. It is made from memory foam and is machine washable. This makes maintenance easy and carefree. The MLVOC also comes with an easy-to-use adjustable cord buckle for adjustment control. The MLVOC travel pillow comes in blue, black, gray, gray-black, and new black. It also weighs 272.2 grams.

Runner Up – Trtl Pillow

Runner Up

Trtl Travel Pillow

Trtl Pillow

Scientifically proven to be better than a U-shaped neck pillow

The Trtl neck pillow combines super soft, hypoallergenic fleece with a hidden internal neck support to hold your head and neck in the best position for sleeping.

Who It Is For (Get this if)

The Trtl travel pillow is ideal for people who want a slick resting pad without the bulk. The design wraps around your neck like a scarf, preventing the awkwardness of a highly supportive travel pillow with excessive padding.

Why It Is Great

The scientific design adjusts with the tilt of your head, and instead of propping it in an upright position, it holds your neck and head in place, without giving way or compromising on comfort.

Potential Flaws

Because it is a scarf design, the fleece fabric used to make the travel pillow causes the neck to sweat due to the fabric’s thickness. It can also limit your movement when and you’ll need to constantly reattach the pillow to get to the correct resting position. Due to the attachment being velcro, it runs the risk of losing its grip and wearability over time.

Product Specifications

The Trtl comes in red, green, coral blue, and black. It is machine washable, and only weighs 148 grams, making it light for luggage carry.

Most Cost-Effective – BCOZZY Travel Pillow

Most Cost-Effective

BCOZZY Neck Pillow for Travel

BCOZZY Travel Pillow

Elevating your moments of comfort

Adjustable and comfortable ergonomic pillow that can be used as a normal pillow at home easily as well.

Who It Is For (Get this if)

The BCOZZY is a longer travel pillow for sleeping during travel, or neck stabilization while working at home.

Why It Is Great

The BCOZZY design is great for the entire family. Unlike the other travel pillows on this list, it is the only design pillow that can be used as a normal pillow. The level headrest design restricts uncomfortable neck stability and allows maximum adjustable support levels. These levels include front support and side support. The microsuede and microfleece materials provide cool comfort. The BCOZZY is also machine washable.

Potential Flaws

The BCOZZY comes with a small velcro attachment point. Many customers have complained that the pillow tends to loosen off your neck. This can make the pillow uncomfortable. Although it is ideal for premium chin support, the loose ends make leaning your head on either side a drag. Just beware of the loose ends.

Product Specifications

The BCOZZY comes with a carrier bag, it is machine washable, made from polyester fabric, and comes in small, medium, and adult sizes in addition to many color options. The BCOZZY weighs 210 grams.

Almost Made The Cut – Cabeau Travel Pillow

Almost Made The Cut

Cabeau Evolution S3 Travel Pillow

Cabeau Travel Pillow

Orthopedic expert-approved and recommended to support any seated activity

Complete with a patented seat strap system that prevents you from falling forward while sleeping, gaming and lounging.

Who It Is For (Get this if)

The Cabeau Evolution S3 Travel Pillow is recommended for traveling with all modes of transport. Whether you board a plane or take a long road trip this travel pillow and the additional extras are ideal if you are willing to pay a slightly above-average price.

Why It Is Great

The Cabeau is attachable to all types of seats, including airline, vehicle, and office seats. The ergonomic design gives stable head support across all resting angles. In addition to its design and seat compatibility, the dual-density foam provides incredible comfort. This travel pillow is the only option on this list that is orthopedic expert-approved and recommended by medical professionals.

Potential Flaws

Although the dual-density foam is great for comfort, the travel pillow can get hot around your neck, especially if the atmosphere is warm. The attachment straps fall flat when trying to support your chin. The straps don’t close the entry gap completely, potentially causing your neck to rest on support straps instead of the pillow itself.

Product Specifications

The Cabeau comes with its own carrier bag and it is available in blue and red and is made from polyester, bird’s eye mesh, and microsuede. The Cabeau weighs 329 grams.

Care and Maintenance

Not all travel pillows are created equal. While some are machine washable, others require more care. Travel pillows are great pieces of convenient comfort equipment and because they involve supporting your head, hair, and cheeks, they are sure to get dirty over time. So to make the most out of your travel pillow, here are a few tips to keep in mind, especially if your pillow requires a hand wash.

The first thing to do is to pour warm water into a bowl, sink, or basin and then wet a rag or towel in that warm water. After that, add some detergent or washing powder to the end part of the rag or towel. Then dab the soap or detergent-soaked part of the rag or towel onto all the problem areas of the pillow. After washing it, rinse the soapy residue and hang the pillow in an open area to dry properly.

Once your travel pillow has been washed, store it in a dry and large drawer or cabinet space in your closet. Don’t stack heavy items over travel pillows, as they tend to lose shape and density in the long run.


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