This New Tech Lets You Game With Just Your Face
With Enabled Play, gamers can hook a device up to a controller or mouse and keyboard and program it to translate their voice and movements into input responses. Enabled Play is capable of processing hand gestures, head movements, facial expressions, and voice commands. It can even be programmed to respond to sounds other than spoken words for those who are unable to speak. While a bit on the expensive side, selling for $249.99, it is a remarkable technological advance and a big leap forward for gamers with disabilities. The Washington Post also notes that it’s far less expensive than many comparable devices.
Dunn also sees the possibility of this technology becoming an education tool. Enabled Play is currently offering a service to schools that will include a discount on large orders of the devices and special training for faculty and staff on how to use them to help students.
Along with other recent developments and publications, like Can I Play That? (which helps gamers with disabilities find and play accessible games), Enabled Play should be a great support for many players out there. The technology itself is remarkable, but the impact it could have on a vulnerable community may be even better.
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