Sheda founder Oyem Ebimum will share his entrepreneurial journey at Startup Stories | Newcastle Herald
Sheda started in 2014 and was a natural progression from all of these experiences and lessons I’d learned. Witness means “to create”, we started as a way to help a broad spectrum of organisations take ideas their ideas and create viable digital products. Our focus has narrowed to the digital health space. We design, develop, and deliver digital health products. Two examples of our work are: The Porn Project – This was a collaboration with the Burnet Research Institute for VicHealth. The task was to develop a digital health app (The Gist) aimed at improving the sexual health literacy of vulnerable and disadvantaged young people (16 years+), giving them the knowledge, attitude, and confidence to negotiate potential exposure to online pornography and understand how it could affect future relationships. The Gist helped create meaningful behavioural change and improve the mental, physical, social, and sexual health outcomes of young people. Secondly, Health Delivered is a cloud-based platform for dieticians that provides streamlined consultations, outputs personalised and easily adjustable nutrition plans that take into consideration the patient’s preferred diet using a meal-generation A.I. engine, and allows the dieticians to implement remote dietary management for long-distance clients. We helped Health Delivered build its platform and make it HIPAA compliant.
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