Feeling Flight Shamed? Here Are 11 Ways You Can Travel The World Without Feeling Guilty


Once upon a time, traveling by air used to be a dream come true for many and something people do without feeling guilty. Since climate change awareness became popular, flying by plane has now become a mode of transportation some people feel guilty engaging in as it is said to further pollute the earth. For those who feel this way, here are ways to travel the world without having to put up with all that guilt.

11 Take A Train

Many experts agree that trains emit some of the lowest amounts of greenhouse gases, and this makes train travel arguably the most environmentally-friendly way to travel long distances. When traveling by train, one can enjoy the scenery while also reducing their overall carbon footprint.

10 Go Sailing

Traveling the world in an environment-friendly way is not always comfortable but can be adventurous. When considering traveling by sea, one can opt to sail instead of taking a ship or boat with an engine that’ll still produce carbon emissions. While sailing, one can take advantage of the wind and the waves to get to their destination just like the people of old.

Related: What You Need To Know About Sailing Around The World

9 Ride A Bike

Biking is a mode of transportation that is exciting and environmentally friendly. While biking, one does not have to worry about carbon emissions or fuel. Even though biking comes with many limitations and cannot be used for long-distance travel, many destinations around the world are bike-friendly and can be easily explored by bike.

8 Take Shorter Flights

If one must take a flight to the destination, then one can reduce their flight distance by stopping in another state or region and then take a more eco-friendly transport mode to the final destination. It’s a great way to explore more landscapes, and even though this does not cut off one’s carbon footprint, it can reduce the overall contribution one makes over a period.

Related: Airport Hacks That Will Definitely Make Your Next Flight Easier

7 Hitchhike

One does not always have to spend money buying petrol or booking flights. It doesn’t hurt to travel while hitchhiking. This helps one save money on petrol and also reduces one’s carbon emission at the same time. It’s also adventurous and a way to meet new people. There are different rules regarding hitchhiking around the world, and the general rule to know while doing this is to not stay on the roadway or cause any kind of obstruction.

6 Take A Bus

While cars also come with their greenhouse gases, one can minimize them by joining a public vehicle such as a bus and sharing it with other travelers. The more passengers, the fewer overall carbon emission are produced.

5 Travel Using A Motorcycle

Motorcycles are more sustainable modes of transportation when compared to cars as they are smaller and emit fewer gas emissions. Besides being a more eco-friendly alternative, bikes are faster than bicycles and still offer the flexibility bicycles offer.

4 Take A Walk Sometimes

History tells that ancient humans traveled long distances by foot and when it comes to eco-friendly travel, no other travel method can beat walking. This is not realistic for long-distance travel but one can substitute vehicle transportation in many situations and reduce their overall carbon emissions. When heading to local destinations, walking is a great way to get there. Besides being a great way to travel more eco-friendly, walking also helps burn more calories and keep the body in good health.

3 Try To Avoid Other Non-Environment Friendly Forms Of Transportation

While traveling by air contributes greatly to the overall carbon emission that’s released into the atmosphere, traveling the sea on a ship also greatly contributes to the overall pollution of the environment. With so much emission being generated by ships and occasionally released into the atmosphere, it is best to stay away from cruise ships if one’s aim is to travel more eco-friendly.

2 Pack Light When Flying

Weight is the main contributing factor to the amount of weight an aircraft pumps into the air. With lesser weight, the aircraft will no doubt generate lesser carbon emissions. With that in mind, one can contribute to this end by packing light if one has to fly by air.

1 Try Skateboarding

There are many other unique modes of transportation out there, but while many are not realistic enough, skateboarding is perhaps one to give a try. This interesting travel mode is faster than walking and more flexible than biking. While using this mode of transportation, one will have to be careful about other road users in order not to hurt someone or get hurt. Skateboarding is perhaps better on roads with less traffic. Besides being a unique way to travel, one can also easily switch to walking on roads that are not suitable for smooth Skateboarding.


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