‘Delete Facebook’ Trends After Company Hands US Teenager’s DMs on Abortion to Cops
In post-Roe America, data privacy presented mounting concern among people from whom the right to abortion has been snatched. Now, as a testament to the problem, a Nebraska woman has been charged with helping her teenage daughter get an abortion after investigators obtained Facebook messages between the two. Meta said that it had received warrants from local law enforcement requesting the messages in the Nebraska case on June 7, before the US Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, as per an AP report.
Meta said that at the time, the warrants had no mention of an abortion and stated that it was an investigation into the “alleged illegal burning and burial of a stillborn infant”. In early June, the Nebraska mother-daughter were charged with a single felony and two misdemeanours, all regarding the abandoning and concealing of a body. It was only after the private Facebook DMs came to light about a month after that the mother was charged with abortion-related felony.
The incident sparked outrage on social media and got #DeleteFacebook trending on Twitter.
Every woman should delete Facebook right now.#DeleteFacebook pic.twitter.com/7kAPRMszUq
— Olivia Julianna 🗳 (@0liviajulianna) August 9, 2022
And just when I thought Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook couldn’t go any lower, they gave the Nebraska Police a teen’s information and DMs just so they can prosecute her for getting an abortion! Sane woman should leave Facebook if they haven’t already done so!#DeleteFacebook pic.twitter.com/gvMqTfiju2
— Felis Resisterus (@AltLeloge) August 9, 2022
I deleted facebook this morning (after not looking since 2016). In the little box where they ask why I said “You shared a user’s private information and now she’s being criminally charged for abortion. With all due respect, f-ck you.” It was so satisfying. #DeleteFacebook https://t.co/4Y2jGbGHz5
— Amy P (@sittinonthebaby) August 10, 2022
#Facebook just snitched on a teenager and her mother for getting an #abortion in Nebraska. Time to #DeleteFacebook y’all.
— 🔥🌹🔥Poetic_Justice_🔥🌹🔥 (@live2tell_x) August 10, 2022
Facebook gave police in Nebraska a teenagers private messages about her abortion so they could prosecute her.
Everyone #DeleteFacebook right now.
— Harry Sisson (@harryjsisson) August 9, 2022
Facebook providing a cop access to a teen’s DM is a breach of human rights.
A Nebraska teen faces criminal charges alleging she aborted a pregnancy in violation of state law after investigators got her Facebook conversations via a search warrant.
A reason to #DeleteFacebook 😢 pic.twitter.com/0ZoXPtBLyd
— Seun Akinsanya (@mrboboskie) August 10, 2022
Meta has declined to say if its response would have been any different if the warrants had mentioned the word “abortion”.
(With AP inputs)
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