JC Penny, ski shop host Manistee fall fashion show
A total of 161 names were proudly listed on the bronze plaques of the newly renovated veterans’ memorial at the corner of First and Maple streets. The names are a stark reminder of the Manistee County people who died in service to the country.
Listed on the memorial are the names of those killed from Manistee County during the Civil War, Spanish American War, World War I, World War II, Korean War and Vietnam War. It was an emotional ceremony that took place yesterday afternoon when over 120 people gathered to dedicate the renovated memorial.
County fair
A thrill-packed afternoon and evening program featuring races of both hay-burners and gas burners makes Sept. 1 one of the best days of the Manistee County Fair which runs from Aug. 29 through Sept. 3 at the Onekama Fairgrounds. The afternoon program will begin with a huge parade including everything of interest on the grounds which can be moved.
Final plans for show
The Triginta Club is very busy making final plans and arrangements for the fall fashion show to be presented by the J.C. Penney Co. and the Sea and Ski Shop of Manistee. The date chosen for this affair is Aug. 23 at 8 p.m. at the school gym. Admission is $1.
Stamp reminder
County Rationing Administration Leon Kubacki today reminded Manistee County residents that the deadline for the use of War Ration book stamps six and seven is one week from today.
New tavern
Now open is Frankie’s Tavern and Lunch Room located at 713-715 Kosciusko St.
Compiled by Mark Fedder at the Manistee County Historical Museum
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