A Ukrainian Refugee Poked Fun At Canadians For A Certain Fashion Choice & He’s Not Wrong
A newcomer to Canada has made an astute observation about a fashion trend in the country and documented his findings on TikTok.
Semion, who runs the account @newcanadians and has been in Canada for four months now, shared his confusion over how some people wear winter footwear in non-winter conditions.
“Hello guys, do you want to know the biggest difference between Ukrainians and Canadians, fashion edition?” he asked before explaining that no offence is meant.
“But, guys, what’s up with boots?” he asked. “It could be plus 30 outside — I’m sweating, melting and I see a guy with shorts with a t-shirt and huge leather winter-style boots on.”
He went on to explain another thing he’s noticed.
“I mean sometimes I even see people with no socks, and winter boots, which is so hardcore,” Semion said.
He also apologized if there’s a reason for wearing the boots that he doesn’t quite understand and finished with a very Canadian conclusion: multiple “sorry’s.”
Over in the comments people shared some explanations and observations.
“Always have to be prepared for snow in Canada,” said one person.
“Wait until you see someone with a winter jacket, shorts and wearing socks with sandals,” wrote another.
“Have you seen our seasons, we are confused?!” another said.
In another TikTok, Semion points out a similarity between Canada and Ukraine.
“Do you want to know what Ukraine and Canada have in common?” he asked. “In fact, I’m starting to think the whole world is the same when it comes to driving accidents.”
On a recent road trip to Niagara Falls, which was supposed to be a two-hour drive, Semion and his family ended up travelling for four hours due to a few accidents on the road.
“But the problem is that those accidents were on the opposite side of the road. But the traffic jam was on my side of the road,” he said. “You want to know why? Because people just were slowing down to see just to see how bad accident was on the other side of the road.”
“I used to think it’s just a Ukrainian thing,” he said before noting that Canadians do it as well.
“Please don’t. Please just if you see the accident, just move as fast as you did before you saw that incident. Just makes me so mad.”
Stay safe on the road, folks!
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