AAA predicts 32% of Americans will travel for Labor Day
COLUMBIA, S.C. (WIS) – Travel experts say Labor Day Weekend could reach pre-pandemic travel volumes. This, as the national average cost of gasoline has dropped $0.38 cents from last month.
In South Carolina, AAA says the average cost of gas has fallen for 11 consecutive weeks. Now averaging $3.43 per gallon, Palmetto State offers the tenth cheapest gas in the nation.
“Our gas prices aren’t as bad as some other states, but they’re pretty high. So I am glad they’re going down. That helps out with seeing family,” said James Bowers, owner and operator of J&T Bowers Glass and Glazing LLC.
Bowers has family spanning from Texas to Florida who are driving to South Carolina this weekend. He says the ‘overdue’ visit is happening because of falling gas prices.
“But a lot of people still can’t see their family and I feel bad for them. Because right now is time for family to be with each other,” continued Bowers.
According to fuel distributors, declining prices on a state and national level is good for everyone. This, as AAA predicts 32% of Americans will travel this weekend.
“When gas prices go down, people have two more dollars, three more dollars in-pocket. They’re going to buy more,” said Nayeem Shaik, owner of the the GF Food Mart and Citgo gas station in South East Columbia.
Shaik’s station is selling regular unleaded at $0.08 below the state average and $0.46 below the national average. While friends and family gather on Labor Day, he will be working at GF.
According to AAA, the cost of airfare and automobile rentals have increased at least 30% since 2020. Mid-range hotel rates have increased ‘almost’ 53% since the same year.
For information from AAA on staying safe this holiday, click here.
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