BLM announces public meeting and comment period for the Labyrinth Rims/Gemini Bridges draft travel management plan
MOAB, Utah — The Bureau of Land Management Moab Field Office invites the public to provide feedback on a draft travel management plan for the Labyrinth Rims/Gemini Bridges Travel Management Area. The BLM will host a virtual public meeting to address questions from the public in addition to providing a project overview. The travel management plan will help BLM provide a transportation network that best serves visitors and local communities, while protecting and sustaining natural resources.
“We invite all interested parties and members of the public to participate in the travel management planning process,” said Canyon Country District Manager Nicollee Gaddis-Wyatt. “We received helpful input from the public during the scoping period and are working to carefully maintain an appropriate transportation network that meets the needs of public land visitors.”
The environmental assessment for the travel management plan analyzes what types of vehicles can access which roads and explores seasonal restrictions within the travel management area. The travel management area encompasses 303,993 acres of public land in Grand County, Utah, and includes approximately 1,127 miles of motorized routes on BLM-managed public lands. The travel management plan is intended to analyze the utility and usefulness of existing routes, not limit access to the area. Routes are being analyzed for visitor needs, impacts to natural and cultural resources, and other values. For specific alternatives information and maps, visit the BLM’s ePlanning website.
The BLM will host a virtual public meeting on Sept. 22, 2022, at 5 p.m. The meeting will include a presentation about the travel management area, an overview of the alternatives, a demonstration of how to provide written comments, and an opportunity to ask questions. The BLM will not accept verbal comments. Meeting access information can be found on the BLM’s ePlanning website.
Written comments may be mailed, emailed, or submitted through ePlanning. Please reference “Labyrinth Rims Gemini Bridges Travel Management” when submitting comments via ePlanning and mail.
Mail: BLM Moab Field Office, Attn: Labyrinth Rims/Gemini Bridges Travel Management 82 East Dogwood Moab, UT 84532
Comments will be accepted until Oct. 7, 2022. Please note the most useful comments are specific and contain new technical or scientific information relevant to the analysis and alternatives. Comments containing only opinions or preferences will not receive a formal response but may be considered in the BLM decision-making process. Before including an address, phone number, email address, or other personally identifiable information in any comments, be aware the entire comment—including personal identifying information—may be made publicly available at any time. Requests to withhold personal identifying information from public review can be submitted, but the BLM cannot guarantee that it will be able to do so.
Additional information about the travel management plan and how to comment can be found on the BLM’s ePlanning website. Please contact Jill Stephenson at with questions about this travel management plan or for accommodation requests to participate in the virtual public meeting. For more information on Utah travel and transportation, visit BLM Utah’s travel management webpage at
Photos of the travel management area can be found on the BLM Utah Flickr website:
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