Cross-state travel impacted by I-90 construction – KIRO 7 News Seattle
NORTH BEND, Wash. — The Washington State Department of Transportation is ramping up several construction projects from North Bend to Ellensburg.
WSDOT will be working at several locations, affecting an 80-mile stretch of Interstate 90.
Between North Bend and Snoqualmie Pass, there will be lane closures in both directions around the clock throughout the week so crews can repair six bridge decks.
In Easton, there will be one lane closed on eastbound I-90. This closure will eventually shift to a two-lane detour which will have narrow lanes and shoulders.
There will also be one lane closed in both directions on I-90 in Cle Elum. This will happen mostly at night, but on some days as well.
Construction in this area is expected to wrap up in fall 2023.
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