Dogs travel from North Carolina to find homes in north country
TOWN OF WATSON, New York (WWNY) – It was a dog day afternoon Friday in Lewis County as nearly a dozen four-legged friends made the 16-hour journey from North Carolina to the north country.
The North Country Pet Adoption Service helps find homes for dogs and cats across Lewis and Jefferson counties. Director Patty Gorpy started it as an effort to help cats endure the north country’s cold winter months
“I started off as a volunteer and then I went to fostering and then I went to helping found a group in the Cleveland, Ohio area. Then I moved up here and then I founded this group. So, it’s been a lot of animals throughout the years,” she said.
Gorpy welcomed a new pack of pups Friday afternoon. A nearly 750-mile trip for ten dogs from North Carolina to the north county. They’ll spend the next few weeks with foster families in Jefferson and Lewis counties.
“The drive was actually really good. They were all mostly really quiet. It was about 3 o’clock in the morning that we needed to let everybody out to go potty, but they all slept through the first 8 hours. It was more us having to go sooner than the dogs really,” said Candice Gary, director, The Unforgotten Souls.
“This is actually my first time arriving at a transport. So this was pretty exciting for me. I was able to say, okay, I think this one and this one will work with my dogs. And, although we had only planned on fostering one dog, I am leaving with two,” said Jennifer Euler, dog foster parent.
Euler says even though this is not her first time fostering, the process can still be emotionally difficult.
“It’s a guaranteed heartache every time. But it’s worth it because every dog that I’ve fostered, that I haven’t kept, has gone to an amazing home,” she said.
As for the dogs, it’s time for a little rest and relaxation.
“They’ll get to go out, sunbathe, sniff, maybe go for a few short walks. I’m just going to let them be dogs for the day,” said Gorpy.
For more information on becoming a foster parent or adopting, visit northcountrypetadoption.org.
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