Eye on Travel – Fort Myers, Florida – September 3, 2022
This week’s broadcast of Eye on Travel is from Fort Myers, Florida. Peter has all the latest on the new Department of Transportation dashboard, and passenger rights for flight delays and cancellations, as well as an update on baggage thefts. Keith Barr, the CEO of Intercontinental Hotels, weighs in from London on hotel occupancy, hotel rates, and hotel recovery around the world, and how multigenerational trips have exploded. Matt Andres weighs in with the fascinating story of the Edison and Ford winter estates in Fort Myers. Joanne Miller stops by with the history of Fort Myers most people don’t know, especially what happened during the civil war. Don Dahler talks about his fascinating new book Fearless: Harriet Quimby a Life Without Limitone of the trailblazing women pilots in early aviation. And Norman Love — talks about his favorite subject — chocolate. And he should know…He’s one of the most innovative chocolatiers in America. There’s all this and more on this week’s Eye on Travel.
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