False alarm: Reading word ‘bomber’ on flyer’s phone, co-passenger raises alarm; flight takes off after complete re-screening

NEW DELHI: A remark perhaps made in jest led to a long delay on IndiGo‘s Manguluru-Mumbai flight on Monday morning. A passenger on board 6E-5237 was was busy exchanging messages with a friend when the latter referred to him as a “bomber”. A co-passenger was quietly reading the exchange of text messages and was alarmed by that word, say sources.
“The co-passenger then raised an alarm and informed the crew. As per protocol, a proper threat assessment was done that involved thoroughly re-screening the check-in and cabin bags and passengers. It turned out to be a false alarm. The flight left for Mumbai with a 5.5 hour delay after the exercise was completed and the aircraft declared safe to fly,” say sources.
Security agencies are always on high alert on I Day, January 26 and whenever intelligence alerts are received about any specific threats.
A senior official of an airline (not IndiGo) said post 9/11 it is not even wise to jokingly refer to any word/s that can raise an alarm.
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