How to Become a Fashion Designer
Fashion designer is one of the many professions in BitLife, and this guide is here to help players pursue this exciting career.
As a character goes up in age in BitLifeit is recommended that they pursue some type of career. Fortunately, there is not a shortage of jobs in this life sim video game, and players can focus their efforts on a variety of professions. One profession that is sure to appeal to some fans is fashion designer, and this guide contains full details on how to land this job in BitLife.
BitLife: How to Become a Fashion Designer
Players that are looking to become fashion designers in BitLife are advised to start with a character that has a reasonably high Smarts stat. While this is not a strict requirement, having access to such a character will make it easier to find success during school. This will ultimately make it easier to secure the desired job and start enjoying the benefits that come along with it.
With a suitable character created, players should put some effort toward increasing their Smarts stat during their formative years. This can be achieved through frequent visits to the libraryand mobile video game fans should make sure to always “study harder” during school. Players should keep this up until their character graduates from high school, at which point they should enroll them in University.
For full clarity, fans can find the option to apply to University within the Education section of the Occupation tab. BitLife players will be prompted to select a major during this application process, and it is recommended that they pick Graphic Designer. As with having a high Smarts stat, this major is not a strict requirement for becoming a fashion designer, though it does seem to feed nicely into that profession.
After completing University, fans should once again turn their attention to the Occupation tab. This time around, players will be focused on the full-time job listingsand Jr. Fashion Designer is the one that they are looking for. Notably, players can refresh the list of available jobs by closing and re-opening the BitLife app, and this trick can be useful if a Jr. Fashion Designer position is not appearing.
To note, there is currently no achievement associated with becoming a fashion designer. The job does pay reasonably well, though, and some players will simply be happy to see their characters thrive in career that they are passionate about. Fans can also always change their character’s career in BitLife if they ever grow tired of being a fashion designer and want to see what other jobs are available to them.
BitLife is available on Android and iOS.
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