How to Travel to Your Island Sanctuary
The long-awaited Island Sanctuary of Final Fantasy XIV has been finally released, allowing Warriors of Light to travel to and customize their own islet. While many draw comparisons to the Serenitea Pot of Genshin Impactthe sanctuary’s system does hold its own identity, with features and mechanics unique to the world of Hydaelyn. To unlock the Island Sanctuary in Final Fantasy XIVplayers must complete a short quest chain called “Seeking Sanctuary,” which becomes available after completion of the Endwalker expansion. However, some fans might be confused about how they can return to their island after they’ve left, as there is no option in the UI’s menus.
Traveling To The Island Sanctuary In Final Fantasy XIV
To travel to the Island Sanctuary in Final Fantasy XIVplayers must speak with Baldin, an NPC in Lower La Noscea located at the coordinates: (X:24.9, Y:34.8). Players will have encountered this character during “Seeking Sanctuary” but might not have realized he is the primary way to get back and forth from the Island Sanctuary.
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According to YouTube content creator Cole EvyxBaldin is currently the only means to travel to one’s Island Sanctuary in Final Fantasy XIV. Unfortunately, there is no special Aetheryte or menu that allows players to go directly to their island. Instead, this system works similarly to visiting an Inn in Hydaelyn. While it would undoubtedly be much more convenient to fast travel into an Inn from anywhere at any time, the game restricts players by compelling them to speak with an Innkeeper NPC in Final Fantasy XIV. Similarly, Baldin’s boat is the Island Sanctuary’s exclusive transport. As mentioned above, he can be found in Lower La Noscea. He stands right beside the Aetheryte Crystal in Moraby Drydocks, meaning players should not have to walk far to encounter him.
Baldin is also the NPC that adventurers must speak with to travel to another player’s Island Sanctuary in Final Fantasy XIV. According to Polygonthis option becomes available once players have completed the “The Ultimate Weapon” MSQ in A Realm Reborn. Conversely, if someone wishes for others to visit theirs, they will need first to complete the quest “The Coziest of Cabins,” tasking players with collecting some crafting materials on their island. Once this mission has been fulfilled, players can allow up to 16 people to visit their island home.
Final Fantasy XIV is available on PC, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation 4.
Source: Cole Evyx | Polygon
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