Letter: Legislation would be huge for tech’s future | News, Sports, Jobs
It seems every device is “smart” these days. Smart phones, smart speakers, smart kitchen appliances, you name it – it has a personal AI assistant just waiting for you to say the magic word. These devices make our lives easier and more enjoyable, but at what cost? Recent reports have suggested that these devices are always listening, whether we want them to or not.
Representative Curtis’ new bill would allow consumers to make that decision for themselves. The Informing Consumers About Smart Devices Act would require manufacturers to disclose if their product contains audio or video recording capabilities, giving the buyer the power to decide if they want tech companies listening in on their day-to-day lives. The bill passed the House of Representatives subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Commerce in June and has the potential to be heard on the House floor as soon as next month. Thanks to Representative Curtis, this would be a huge step forward in protecting consumer privacy.
Don’t get me wrong — I love my Alexa, but I don’t want it listening to every word I say. Representative Curtis understands that and is working to make sure that manufacturers do too. Congress should pass the Informing Consumers About Smart Devices Act and ensure our privacy — it’s the smart thing to do.
Quincy Azimi, Provo, Utah College Republicans Chairman
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