Nearly $4M awarded to 45 N.J. startups through Clean Tech Seed Grant Program

Science, innovation technology – it’s what New Jersey is known for. On Monday 45 startups statewide were awarded a combined $3.9 million in grants to help young companies accelerate development of their technologies and transform their discoveries from the research stage into commercially viable products and services.
Through the New Jersey Commission on Science, Innovation, and Technology‘s Catalyst Seed Research and Development (R&D) Grant and Clean Tech Seed Grant programs, the awards strive to advance innovation to help the state achieve Governor Murphy’s clean energy goals as outlined in New Jersey’s Energy Master Plan.
“Funding New Jersey startups today through grant programs like the Catalyst Seed R&D Grant and the Clean Tech Seed Grant helps to guarantee a strong economy in the future and furthers Governor Phil Murphy’s vision for the state,” CSIT Executive Director Judith Sheft said. “Cultivating companies within our state during their formative years helps us to promote financial growth, sustainability, and economic mobility for years to come.”
CSIT’s Catalyst Seed R&D Grant Program has awarded 27 early-stage startup companies a total of $2.6 million in funding through grants of up to $150,000 for life sciences startups focusing on drug development and therapeutics and up to $75,000 for R&D.
Emerging companies receiving awards for R&D are involved in technological innovation across manufacturing, transportation and logistics, film and digital media, life sciences, non-retail food and beverage, finance and professional services, and technology sectors, all of which are identified as targeted industries in Governor Murphy’s economic development plan.
“New Jersey’s startups are amongst the very best in the nation and truly place the State at the forefront of innovation and conservation,” CSIT Vice Chair and BioNJ Founding President and CEO Debbie Hart said. “The Catalyst Seed R&D Grant and Clean Tech Seed Grant Programs reinforce the State’s commitment to its small businesses and nurtures advancements in a range of innovation areas including technology, life sciences, and clean tech sectors.”
A total of $1.3 million in funding will also be awarded to 18 companies chosen in Round 2 of the Clean Tech Seed Grant Program.
“Under Governor Murphy’s leadership, New Jersey has become one of the best places in the nation to grow and scale a company, especially a startup,” NJEDA Chief Executive Officer Tim Sullivan said. “CSIT’s Catalyst Seed R&D Grant and Clean Tech Seed Grant programs allow entrepreneurs to secure funding for vitally important research and new technologies that not only better our society, but also create new high-paying jobs grow our economy and solidify New Jersey’s reputation as a leader in equitable, diverse, and transformative innovation.”
The Clean Tech Seed Grant Program, which was jointly developed by CSIT and the New Jersey Economic Development Authority (NJEDA), provides grants for R&D activities to very early-stage, New Jersey-based clean technology companies that will help them to advance their development on products and services to a point where they can more readily appeal to outside investors and, in some cases, begin to generate revenue.The funding for the Clean Tech Seed Grant Program, which is being provided through the NJBPU’s Clean Energy Program,
List of all awardees:
Catalyst Seed Grant Program
Drug Development
Applicant Name (Funding Amount)
CSR Pharma Group Inc. ($150,000)
DMK Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ($150,000)
InteguRx Therapeutics LLC. ($150,000)
Kathera Bioscience, Inc. ($150,000)
Lactiga US, Inc. ($149,828)
NeuroPair, Inc. ($150,000)
Plumeria Therapeutics Inc. ($150,000)
Regenosine ($149,500)
Throne Biotechnologies Inc. ($150,000)
Catalyst Seed Grant Program
Other Categories
Applicant Name (Funding Awarded)
AquaPao, Inc. ($75,000)
Arke Aeronautics LLC ($75,000)
Beyond Main ($75,000)
Discogen LLC ($75,000)
Drone Go Home, LLC ($75,000)
EnvoyatHome, Inc. ($75,000)
HealRWorld LLC ($75,000)
Hindsight Technology Solutions ($75,000)
Innovations Unlimited LLC. ($74,999)
Li Creative Technologies, Inc. ($74,909)
License, Inc. ($74,975)
Misram LLC dba Spectronn ($75,000)
Nu Lightwave Logic LLC. ($72,550)
Phoresis, Inc. ($74,976)
RizLab Health Inc. ($75,000)
Serdiuk Industries LLC ($75,000)
Tendo Technologies, Inc. ($75,000)
Clean Tech Seed Grant Program Awardees
Applicant Name (Funding Awarded)
13 Mari NJ Ltd ($74,578)
4.0 Analytics Inc ($75,000)
Blue Rock Solutions Inc ($75,000)
BRISEA Group Inc. ($74,800)
Energy Research Company ($74,996)
ExoCell Power Corporation ($74,993)
Exovolar Industries Corp ($74,930)
FPG PowerPLUS ($75,000)
HiT Nano, Inc ($75,000)
iCheck Energy LLC ($75,000)
Neutroelectric, LLC ($75,000)
Phoresis, Inc ($74,968)
Pollux Technologies, LLC ($74,960)
Project Plastic LLC ($74,990)
Redifarms, LLC ($63,080)
SingletO2 Therapeutics LLC ($75,000)
Sunowner Inc ($74,160)
About CSIT
In August 2018, Governor Murphy signed legislation re-establishing the former New Jersey Commission on Science and Technology as the CSIT. Comprised of representatives from the public and private sectors, as well as academia, the Commission is tasked with leading the way in promoting the State as a home for academic and technological research, development, and commercialization.
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