Taylor Hill Shares Her Must-Have Beauty Essentials
Throughout the years, model Taylor Hill has spent an inordinate amount of time in the hair and makeup chair. There, creatives reimagine her otherworldly good looks into whatever images the designer, stylist, or editor is envisioning for the photo shoot, runway show, or red carpet appearance of the day. Hill has had her eyebrows bleached blonde, her hair teased up in a bouffant, and her lips painted all sorts of colors. “[Fashion] show hair and makeup is something else entirely,” Hill tells Coveteur. “It’s definitely a lot more intense.”
Outside of work, Hill’s daily beauty routine is quite the opposite. “I do almost nothing—the absolute bare minimum,” she says. Though she’s learned countless tricks from beauty experts, the model prioritizes skincare and uses minimal makeup. “I try to use the least amount of heat styling as I can just because when I’m working, it’s pretty constant. And then for products, I try to stay really consistent,” she explains. “Different people do my makeup and they use different products, which is fine, but can cause breakouts and irritation. So when I go home, I like to use the same ones so I’m not scaring my skin anymore than I already have.”
Below, the supermodel shares the beauty products she swears by.
Youth Serum
“This serum is my all-time favorite skincare product. It works so well and keeps my skin clear, hydrated, and youthful.”
Skin Pharm
Skin Food Original Ultra Rich Cream
“I love this cream for traveling. It’s the best for a long-haul flight where I tend to get dehydrated so my skin feels dry. It’s also great in the winter for those extra cold days that can cause cracked, dry skin.”
Papaya Enzyme Cleanser
“[This is] my go-to face wash for all types of skin issues I may be having. If I’m feeling dry or have breakouts, I find this face wash does the trick.”
Skin Pharm
Dry Texturizing Spray
“This is the best hair product you’ll ever buy. Whether you have a fresh blowout, are going for a beach texture, or just want to add a little extra volume, this spray does it all. It makes your hair look and feel good.”
Cicalfate+ Restorative Protective Cream
“I love this cream for a skin barrier rebuild. It can heal anything and everything—sunburns, acne, scarring, pigmentation. Over time, this cream has evened out my skin tone and has helped me fight unwanted breakouts.”
Curl Defining Gel
“The natural texture of my hair is wavy and curly. When I’m not heat styling my hair and want to air dry it, I love this curl-defining gel. It’s lightweight, not crunchy, and keeps my natural waves in place.”
Living Proof
Discovery X-Treme Cream Propolis Sunscreen SPF 45
“This is my favorite sunscreen of all time. It has a great consistency and smells like a dream. It doesn’t feel like you’re applying sunscreen—more like a moisturizer. It leaves my skin looking dewy and glowing.”
Salts of the Earth Body Scrub
“This stuff…it’s like a spa day in a jar! I love the scent and the way my skin feels after using it. The scrub has Himalayan pink salt and a nice oil so when I get out of the shower, my skin feels smooth and moisturized.”
That is
Super Serum Skin Tint SPF 40
“I love this for a no-makeup makeup look because it has great coverage and SPF. It makes my skin look radiant and fresh, but I still look like me.”
Eye Color Quad Eyeshadow Palette
“[This is] my favorite eyeshadow pallet. It’s extremely versatile, and it can be used every day. It’s my go-to for a simple yet beautiful eye look.”
Tom Ford
Sleeping Lip Mask
“I’m obsessed with this sleep mask. I obviously saw all the viral videos of this product, which made me buy it! I’m glad I did because I actually really love it and can see why it went viral.”
Phantom Volumizing Glossy Balm
“This lip balm is my favorite thing ever for the lips—I love it so much. It’s glossy with a beautiful color and it’s moisturizing yet plumping at the same time. It’s magical!”
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