Travel Around the World with Surfers
Few things in travel read more like an addiction than a surfer chasing good surf. There is this constant pull they talk about, and they’ll travel far and to dangerous places to get it. So while millions of us travel every week to the seaside to lounge and relax, they’re headed there for an adrenaline rush. The latest selection for Just Booked, our series on gorgeous coffee table books, catalogs the work of the magazine that tries to capture this world–Surfer Magazine: 1960-2020published by Rizzoli.
The book is filled with spectacular shots, made more remarkable given the images are an attempt to capture in static form an action (man with ocean) full of movement and energy. Over the decades one can see how the depiction of the sport changes not only in terms of logo designs and artwork, but also in how the bodies, skin color, and genders shift too.
The history found inside is fabulous. There are headlines like: “France: When the surf is 8 ft. and tubing, and the apple pie is the best I’ve ever eaten.” Flipping through the decades you can see how coverage of surf lifestyle is shaped by Southern California but also grows beyond it. And even if you don’t surf, you’re likely to spot a beach you wouldn’t mind lounging at.
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