Travel safe by keeping medical information near | News, Sports, Jobs
Dear Heloise: I read your column every day in the San Antonio Express-News.
In response to a recent suggestion regarding keeping a list of all medications inside a wallet, I wanted to take it a couple steps further.
I keep a copy of not only all my medications, prescriptions and OTC supplements, but also shots (flu, COVID, etc.). I also include surgeries and when they were performed. It also indicates which medications I am allergic to. I keep a copy in my wallet and a copy in my car. I also keep an envelope on the visor in my car that includes the meds, but also who to contact in case of an accident and a copy of my advanced directive.
I do this because I am 78 and still go on a lot of road vacations. If something happens to me during one of these trips, first responders, at least, will have a heads-up. Also, a good piece of advice is to have your emergency contacts identified in your phone as ICE (In Case of Emergency). Again, thinking of first responders. — Marshall Jackson, Cibolo, Texas
Dear Heloise: I iron my clothes every week, and was surprised that no one had responded back to the lady in Wisconsin on how to keep her iron from clogging again. I have been using distilled water in my iron for years! And there are no clogs or white mineral spots on the clothes that I am ironing. Happy ironing! — Mary, Chino Hills, California
Dear Heloise: To decrease the electric bill, unplug all TV cable boxes. Only plug them in as you need them. The cable industry has done nothing to keep their boxes energy-efficient. Save $20 per month, per box. — Kyle Nienberg, Lima, Ohio
Dear Heloise: Before I open any can with a can opener, I either wash or rinse the top of the can. Cans travel hundreds or thousands of miles and get stored in a warehouse, where they can collect dirt or dander during shipments.
By cleaning the can, you don’t “push” the dirt or dander into the can containing the food. — Greg Sommer, Los Alamitos, California
Dear Heloise: The majority of my serving cutlery and utensils have the same handle. I started placing the handle to the back. Now, at a glance, I can see if I am getting the item I want — like the slotted spoon, fork, etc. — Phyllis Holsinger, via email
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Hints from Heloise run occasionally in Lifestyles. Readers may send a hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000, fax it to 210-HELOISE, or email: Heloise@Heloise.com. Letters won’t be answered personally.
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