Why I Travel To Cure My Broken Heart


When the man I loved in 2009 broke my heart, I booked a flight to Paris. I had never been to Paris, nor had I ever traveled alone. But as heartache tends to do, I had been on the floor in the fetal position for weeks, devastated and broken. So as Audrey Hepburn says in Sabrina, “Paris is always a good idea.”

I did an apartment swap and landed in Paris in early January 2010. Since then, a precedent has been set. When things get a little too intense to handle, I sublet my apartment and book a flight out of town.

My therapist doesn’t think this is the best way to handle these bumps in the road of my life.

“Sit with your feelings, Amanda,” she tells me. “You need to allow yourself the chance to feel the pain in order to heal.” As I explain to her, I do sit with my feelings; I just do it in another country.

RELATED: Yes, I’m Pretty And I’m Traveling Alone

I’ve been on the move a lot since 2010. Although my heartache from the man I knew in 2009 has long since subsided, I’m now dealing with the pain of my losing my husband… to a child… who emailed me poetry. But we all know how I initially responded to that.

But just as I did in 2009, I peeled myself from the floor, realized that sending poop to your husband is no cure for a broken heart, and left town.


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