Women not far behind men in number of sexual partners | India News
In fact, in many states and UTs women averaged more sexual partners in their lifetime than men. These include Rajasthan, Haryana, J&K and MP in north and central India, Assam in the east and Tamil Nadu and Kerala in the south. The data also shows that rural women had on average more sexual partners over their lifetime (1.8) compared with their urban counterparts and that same was the case among men.

However, a much larger proportion of men (3.6%) than of women (0.5%) had had sexual intercourse with someone who was neither a spouse nor a person they were living with over the 12 months preceding the survey.
The data was collected as part of an attempt to gauge the prevalence of higher-risk sexual intercourse and of condom usage during such sex, as low condom usage could put people at greater risk of HIV/AIDS.

The respondents included close to 1.1 lakh women and 1 lakh men. While it is difficult to imagine all respondents being entirely frank about their sexual liaisons, just the fact that so many, especially women, were willing to speak about sexual partners, including sex outside marriage, is telling. While there could be underreporting among women, in the case of men there could also be a touch of wishful exaggeration in some cases.
The survey also covered what percentage of women had sex with two or more partners in the past 12 months. A slightly larger share of rural women than urban women and of currently married women than of those never married, divorced, widowed or separated said they had sex with two or more partners in the 12 months preceding the survey.

On the whole, the data indicated that men were far more into high-risk sex and the proportion reporting the use of condoms during such high-risk sex was just a little more than the proportion of women reporting the same.
Hindu men had the highest mean number of sexual partners over a lifetime (2.2), followed by Christians and Sikhs (1.7), while Jains had the lowest (1.1). But the communities with the highest share of men reporting having had sex with more than one partners in the previous 12 months were Buddhists/neo-Buddhists and Sikhs, while Jains and Muslims had the lowest proportion.
Among people who had sex in the past 12 months, women and men who never married were more likely than those currently married or formerly married to report having sex with a person who was neither their spouse nor lived with them.
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