How To Keep Your Anxiety In Check While Traveling
If all else fails and your travel stress proves difficult to conquer, you may want to resort to certain medications or supplements that can help you manage your anxiety. However, while some travelers turn immediately to sedative substances like Xanax, Ativan, Ambien, or alcohol, these are not necessarily recommended. “Whether or not these pills help depends on the underlying cause of the anxiety that’s occurring,” Tania Elliott, MD, tells Healthline. “Ambien has been shown to increase people’s chances of sleepwalking, so I would avoid that on the airplane. Xanax would be the one to help quell anxiety, but again, it depends on whether or not the anxiety comes from flying itself or is related to another area. I recommend neither Xanax or Ambien for flying.”
Instead, there are some gentler substances that may help calm your nerves while traveling. During long trips, taking melatonin can be a useful way to manage your circadian rhythms and encourage sleep, which is good for stress levels. Plus, it may help you fight off jet lag (via Mayo Clinic).
Other products, like the popular homeopathic stress-reliever Rescue Remedy, claim that their soothing herbal blends can ease your worries. While many of these products rely on anecdotal evidence that’s hard to confirm, just the act of having them may provide a reassuring placebo effect to calm your mind while traveling. Of course, if you have any questions about using supplements and medications for your trip, ask your doctor before departure.
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